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15th Birthday Competition WINNERS and Roundup
Posted by MasJ @ Sun, 29 Mar 2015 | Message Boards

We had an incredible competition for our 15th Birthday! There were a huge number of entries to win that coveted first prize, your choice of an XBox One, PS4, or Wii U! I have to say that we have some very talented users coming to this site!

Thank you all for all the wonderful entries, it made our day and made us feel like what we do here is very special to you. That is a great feeling!

But without further ado, the WINNERS:

First Prize

It was really tough to choose a winner for the grand prize but ConvenientTowel made an entire video game themed on Emuparadise! The game is really fun to play and is modeled after Super Meat Boy and Metroid.

Play it RIGHT NOW in your browser!

You can watch the gameplay below:

Second Prize

A lifetime subscription to EP Premium! Even tougher because we had so many absolutely amazing entries! However, jacklanton made an amazing BOX from scratch. What does this box do? Watch this video to find out:

Third Prize

1 year of free EP Premium! A bunch of our visitors from around the world got together and made a video, it was awesome! Thank you JUMPhil. Since there were a few of you in the video, we will give all of you a year's worth of EP Premium! Thanks for the wishes!

Honorable Mentions

Due to the huge volume of absolutely mindblowing entries, we decided to give away 1 month of free EP Premium to all those who receive an honorable mention here. Starting off, we have last years competition winner, Gustavo with an incredibly funny video for EP's birthday:

TheEmuGuy made a pretty nice video showing how to get setup with Emulation. Would've been nice for our competition last year ;)

Our visitors who are musicians even went as far as to create entire soundtracks for Emuparadise! Absolutely incredible stuff! Lluvias from Mexico made an EP-4-EP (Extended Play for Emuparadise) with 3 amazing tracks!
Lluvias EP-4-EP Cover

Noxial from Belgium too made an awesome album with lots of game music remixed! Listen to it on soundcloud.
Noxial Album Cover

Motonso played out an entire Piano Medley from The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. That's some good stuff!

Joao did a medley of some mario 8-bit tracks with Happy Birthday.

Sir_Ramon baked us an AWESOME Ms. Pac-Man cake! Wish we could get some slices!
MS Pacman Cake for Emuparadise

Beelzebub made another cake that reminds us of the wonderful days of playing videogames with our friends.
Buddies on Island Cake

The amount of incredible art submitted is just unbelievable! Our visitors are REALLY talented!

MegamanRulz14 made some pretty nice artwork that shows how awesome emulation is.
How smartphones are better than consolesCake delivery for EP

I don't even know how rodrigoninjavermelho did this but it looks amazing!
Everyone wishing EP a happy birthday!

Too_Generic made an awesome (but rather large at 73MB) flash animation. I'll just leave that right here. You'll need to download it and open it in your browser to view it.

George made this awesome sketch showing the convergence of video game worlds.
Title: Converging game worlds - Inspired from some horror games, Super mario, Silent hill

Apart from this we had key chains, wallpapers, and even some blog posts amongst other things!

Well, that's all for now folks. There were just so many awesome entries that we can't even mention them all here. If you'd like to see all the great stuff people did for EPs 15th Birthday, check out this thread of EPForums or our Facebook Page.

I will get in touch with the winners to send them their prizes! For those who received honorary mentions and get to have 1 month of Free EP Premium, please send off an email to support@emuparadise.org and we'll hook you up :)

Thanks again for all those wonderful entries and for supporting us for the past 15 years. It's been an awesome ride and I hope we can take it higher! Game ON!


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