Stickgoncraz rates this game: 5/5If you haven't played Zelda - Ocarina of Time. Then your missing out, BIG TIME, there are alot of good games for the N64, but this is without a doubt, the best, maybe even the best game ever created. If all N64 games & emulators suddenly disappeared and this was the only 1 left, it would be worth downloading & playing. The controls would take a little getting used to, I recommend the emulator "Project64 1.7", it has all the cheats already in there, you can just pick which ones you want to play with, and if your not used to their controls, you can change them. Zelda - Ocarina of Time, might be very complicated if you've never played, or beaten it, but you can look up a walkthrough if you have no idea what to do. It has some of the greatest gameplay ever, from catching chickens, to auto aiming, and riding horses, to defeating "wierdly shaped" bosses. You can even editing how Link looks, in the cheat section, and also you can basically make it so you have everything from the start with cheats. But the overall game is amazing, good graphics (For A N64 Game), and the greatest gameplay ever. In the game you have to save Zelda from an evil force, whos name is Gandorf, and stop him from taking over the Zelda universe, with the help of your fairy Navi. You must get 3 "gems" and put them into a temple, or I guess the Hyrule church, and then pull the sword from the ground, and become an adult, which later you will find, that Hyrule has been destroyed and is enhabited with zombies. You must travel to dungeons with amazing gameplay to defeat Gandorf and other bosses. Overall, the gameplay is amazing and fun, a little complicated though, and then graphics are amazing in Zelda for the N64, and the bosses and enemies are interesting, and with the cheats, it can be alot easier and more fun. I recommend downloading this and playing it, even if you don't want an emulator, I recommend this, and if you have a N64 emulator, and not have this game, then download it NOW! It is worth it, completely. Trust me, it's Zelda...
Justin rates this game: 5/5The Legend of Zelda is such a famous game that I don't think to many need to be assured its good. However if your new to the series or have never played Ocarina of time I can tell you this is for sure you need to play this game. Ocarina of time was one of the first games ever to alow the player to control camera movements using the "Z"-button targeting system, this in turn makes for better gameplay.
Ocarina of time is the only Zelda game in wich you play as young link and mature into adult, and it is also the first to use musical melodies as part of the gameplay. The characters in this game are very memerable even those who apear only once in the entire game.The only way I can summerize this game is as the best Zelda game ever.
Deco rates this game: 5/5Ocarina of Time, until recently the best Zelda title created. The story focuses on Link, a boy from the forest who recieves a fairy guardian one day, and a message. His quest sent him through time more than once, collecting weapons and gagets from many dungeons to face the evil Ganondorf.
The story is very well told, and any fan should get this game to refresh on the story while waiting for the new 3DS port.
Legend of zelda, The rates this game: 5/5This game is about a Korkiri boy named link. Who has no fairy while the other Korkiri children. The Korkiri children are watched over by a great old tree called "the great Deku tree." The great Deku tree sends a fairy over to the hut where the hero, Link lives. He is then woken up and told he is to see the great deku tree as soon as possible. After he makes his way there he learns about the future of Hyrule and how he must become a great hero and rid Hyrule of all evil that resides in it. The fate of Hyrule is up to one boy, can he save the day?
LoZ Fan rates this game: 5/5The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time was my first venture into The Legend of Zelda franchise and I have yet to step foot out of it. This truly is the best Legend of Zelda game ever, there are some that come close but this will always be the very best.