Super Mario Advance 4 (J)(Eurasia) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: AdventurePlatformerRating: ESRB: E
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1093)
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1093)
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You have the option of playing Super Mario Advance 4 (J)(Eurasia) in your browser, right here at EmuParadise! No need for any software, no installations required, all you need is a fast enough PC and a browser with Flash support. This is great if you're on a PC with restrictions on software installations or want to secretly play at work.Play Super Mario Advance 4 (J)(Eurasia)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
. . . . : / / . ___:. \ \ : |// _//________.___ ____:____________ _____.__________ \ / _____\\_ \\| |/ | / _ / | | _ /__\__ \ __/____\/____\__ \ | \| / /|/ / / | | / / _ \______ /_/\ _ \|\ \ \ \// ____/ [ | \ < \ /\ / / \ \ \\/ / |\ / ______\ \__________|_____\ /_____________\_______/______\________ \ /| | \ \ ---- --------- : ---- \____\ ----------- ----- -------- ---- / / | | \\ \ / // | | / / IS PROUD TO BRING YOU ON JULY 10TH, 2003 \ \MTX! | // / \ \\ | |/ / >>> Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros 3 <<< \ \| / // \\ \ . / COMPANY...: Nintendo - SYSTEM....: Game Boy Advance \ . :// ORIGIN....: Japan - SIZE......: 32 MBit \\: |/ LANGUAGE..: Japanese - FILENAME..: EUR-SMA4.ZIP \| | | | URL.......: | | | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /->> RELEASE NOTES: <<----------------------------------------------\ \-. | | | We are proud to present the next in the series of Mario Advance, | | this time its the Famicom/NES classic Super Mario Bros 3. | | | | The original Mario Advance 4 cart contains 1mbit of flash rom | | for its save data, our version has been fixed to use two 512kbit | | sram banks of the visoly flash cart, it should work on 128M, 256M, | | and 512M visoly carts. No guarantee is made for other play methods. | | | | The game has been tested for a few levels and no problems were found | | saving and reloading the data, the game can be played just like the | | original version. We hope you like it as much as we do.. | | | | Enjoy! | | | | | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /->> GAME NOTES: <<-------------------------------------------------\ \-. | | | | | The best-selling game of all time, Super Mario Bros. 3, makes its | | portable debut with all-new features! Bowser and his troublemaking | | kids have forced the land into complete chaos by transforming all the | | local kings into animals, and it's up to Mario & Luigi to stop them. | | | | In what many consider to be the best Mario game ever, players have to | | run, jump and stomp on enemies through eight enormous worlds, as they | | use new and classic power-ups. Dash past danger, swim rough seas, and | | even take to the air, speeding toward a collision course with Bowser. | | | | | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /->> APPLICATION INFO: <<-------------------------------------------\ \-. | | | Interested in being a part of Eurasia? We are currently looking | | for people to join our team. We have a strong belief in group | | friendship and we make an effort to ensure that all members get | | exceptional benefits. If you fit into any of these categories, | | please contact us for membership information: | | | | * Suppliers of unreleased console games around the world. If you | | have access to games and have spare time, we can train you and | | give you access to the necessary tools and hardware to make | | your job easier. | | | | * Site affiliations worldwide. If you host a site and are looking | | for a great affiliation, contact us to establish a relationship. | | | | If you fit into any of these categories, please contact us. | | | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /->> GREETS: <<-----------------------------------------------------\ \-. | | | Crazy Nation, Echelon, Kalisto, Lightforce, Mode 7, Nightfall, | | Oldskool, Paradox, Rising Sun, RSiSO, StarCube, SAC, and Venom. | | \ / | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /-------------------------------------------------------------------\ \-. |/ /\_ __ ESTABLISHED IN 1997 ___:. __ _/\ \| / // ______._ __:____. _____:____. \ /_____. _____. ____:___._______.\\ \ \ \_| ___/ | | _ \_\__ | __/__\/_\__ |_ \___ \/ | \___ |_/ / |\ \_ __/ | | / < _ |___ //\ _ _/ / __/ | | | \__ _/ /| |\ |_\___\_____|__\___\_____|_____/___\_____| /_____\_____|_____/___/_| /| : \ \ : : : / / : \\ \ FOR PLEASURE, NOT PRESSURE! / // \\ \\ // // \ / |
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