Sheras rates this game: 4/5Kirby Air Ride is probably one of the simplest games ever made, in terms of controls. You use two buttons (well a button and one joystiq). The left joystiq controls your turning, and the A button controls your charge/boost. The cars in Kirby Air Ride automatically use the accelerator, to brake you can simply tap A rapidly as when you charge for a boost you slow down.
The game features 3 modes. Air Ride, Top Ride, and City Trial. Think of Air Ride just like Mario Kart. However, there are no items, instead there are "creeps" on the tracks that you can suck up to temporarily gain their powers by tapping A when you get close to them. Since there are no items, it is immensely difficult to catch up to the leader if you fall behind.
Top Ride features a top down view of the entire track. As a result these tracks are incredibly small and feature around 7 laps on default. This mode features just two cars, one car turns in the direction of the map, so if you push up you go up on the screen, left you go left. The other car turns in respect to what direction your car is facing (my preference).
City Trial is more free roam based, up to 7 mins around a small city where you collect power-ups that boost your cars performance (top speed, turning, gliding, boost etc.) At the end of the time limit, you compete against the other players in a randomly chosen game (if set to random). These can include a Drag Race, Demolition Derby, a race on an Air Ride track and more.
For each mode there is a checklist of goals or achievements to complete. These unlock such things as new cars, soundtracks etc.
DrMarioFan1001 rates this game: 4/5Having not played many Kirby game (I've played about 4 including this), I must say it's good. The gamemode I normally play is Free Run in Air Ride, as it's nice and relaxing trying to beat your score.
However, I would NOT recommend this to people who aren't fans of racing or kart games, as this is basically both. Although I will recommend this to people who are fans of the two, and fans of the Kirby series.
I personally give this a 4/5. It didn't meet my expectations, but it did - in a different way.
Shadowprince1029 rates this game: 5/5This game will be more fit for those who have played the Kirby games before this and after it. Though, newbees will also find that the fun and fast playing is great. Graphics are good, great music, many Kirbys (not to forget about King Dedede and Meta Knight), and 3 different modes.
Air Ride is fun, and it's sort of like Kirby joined with Mario Kart. You race around courses and use abilities to stop your opponents. There's also a secret stage available (the Nebula Belt).
Top Ride is fun and hard to both new and old players alike. I've had the game since 2006 and I'm still ending up in last!
Ah, City Trial, how fun. Getting to upgrade your air rides and see the events. Oh yes, my most fave part of it, the 2 legendaries that you obtain after getting the kart's 3 parts out of red boxes (only the ones NOT on the road will have them.) Afterwards, you shall do a stadium. If fighting King Dedede, I recommend doing it alone. Computers and other players can use the bombs or mic power ups to hurt you, and still, since 2006, I could never beat him! I then tried doing it alone and won!
ANY QUESTIONS CAN BE ANSWERED IF YOU MESSEGE ME. Just type shadowprince1029 into google and all you'll see will be me. I'll answer any questions for anyone.
l2ockstar rates this game: 5/5Kirby Air Ride is an excellent game. During my childhood, every day after school I went into my room just to try to unlock something new. The variety of colors, vehicles and games you can play on Kirby Air ride is absolutley astonishing!
Pontinho rates this game: 3/5Kirby Air Ride is more for the hardcore Kirby fans, but it does a pretty good job of it. Be it simple, it's also good for quick playing. I know it's not the best, but it's far from the worst. Graphics are pretty good and the music rocks.