ISOs » Sony Playstation » C » Chocobo's Magical Dungeon 2 [U]
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Game Description & Reviews:
jeff the great says:The player plays as Chocobo who explores dungeons with a monster partner, which can be controlled by a second player. The dungeons are randomly generated. The battle system is not like those of most Final Fantasy games - it is more action oriented, allowing the player to walk around and position their chocobo strategically for battle.
Perhaps the most unique feature in Chocobo's Dungeon 2 is the item system. Though having claws, collars and saddles as equipment is a novelty by itself, the most unique feature is the fusion system. Stoves and recycling bins allow the player to combine claws or saddles to create newer, more powerful ones. As for the magic system, the player must collect books and use them against enemies in which the corresponding spell element will level up, through the use of obtained feathers. Once in a while the player will also gain different abilities with the spellbooks, such as using a Quake book with a Quake All feather will result in the whole visible area around Chocobo getting affected by the Quake spell. Other than spellbooks, the player can collect stones, which can be used to summon original Final Fantasy summons such as Ifrit or Shiva to unleash a powerful area attack.
When Chocobo dies in the dungeon, he loses all his items and gets transported back to a safe spot and must start the dungeon over from the first level, or enter a more dangerous shortcut to a certain part of the dungeon. As the game progresses, Chocobo can obtain gil and buy items in a nearby village, or rent storage space to store items which can be obtained anytime and does not disappear when Chocobo dies.
Some of Chocobo's allies are Final Fantasy originals such as Mog, Chocobo's partner, Shiroma, a White Mage, and Cid, the machinist who lives in a tower.
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