ISOs » Sony Playstation » M » Monsterseed [NTSC-U]
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Game Description & Reviews:
Daedroth rates this game: 3/5Monsterseed is a strategy RPG involving the creation of monsters to serve as your warriors in the battles you'll fight during your missions. It is not as complicated as some of the other strategy RPGs out there though, so don't worry about that just yet.
You play as a "ruler" named Daniel who is traveling along the roads towards the village called Len Bal. Unfortunately, he is a poor bum of a ruler and has no monsters to his name. As he nears the village, he overhears a conversation. A conversation that, unfortunately, he wasn't meant to hear. After a short intro you'll be thrust into the game's mechanics which include getting missions, creating monsters, and fighting the bad guys in various locations.
The music, sound effects and graphics are average to good for it's time, however, overall it's not an amazing game. It is worth a try if you like strategy RPGs though.
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