Bloody Roar II (PSX)
Uploaded by Cookie Monster

Bloody Roar II basically is the same game as Bloody Roar with some changed characters and new game modes. The main flaw with Bloody Roar II is the fact that you cannot easily execute the Beast mode which made Bloody Roar so original. Instead of capitalizing on their originality it seems like the developers underestimated the importance of this feature in Bloody Roar. You can add your sidestep (Beast) in custom mode within Bloody Roar II, however, that makes short work of what could've been a great title.
Nevertheless, the graphics and sound in Bloody Roar II do not fail to please. The visual effects shall definitely keep you agape. The game follows smooth 60 fps action which shall keep you busy with the fast paced action that follows from this. All in all, if you enjoyed Bloody Roar you can check this one out for the new characters and some of the new moves that make their way into this title. Also, there is of course more background from the story from Bloody Roar I as well as new elements added to the story-line.
Special thanks go out to Cookie Monster for uploading this title to our servers! Enjoy this edition of our Best of Emuparadise series, and keep coming back for more!
Download Links:
Bloody Roar II File 01 [50MB]
Bloody Roar II File 02 [50MB]
Bloody Roar II File 03 [50MB]
Bloody Roar II File 04 [50MB]
Bloody Roar II File 05 [50MB]
Bloody Roar II File 06 [46MB]
Bloody Roar II SFV File [1KB]
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